
Monday, July 16, 2012

An Assessment of Jack and Jill

Nursery rhymes were made as literacy tools for children. Its main purpose has something to do with familiarity of words.

One of the most famous Nursery rhyme is "Jack and Jill". We even have a dirty version of it. Everybody has learned of this during our pre-school years. Let us reminisce the days when we recited this in our pre-school by reciting it altogether.

Jack and Jill
Went up the hill
To fetch a pail of water
Jack fell down
And broke his crown
And Jill came tumbling after

Quite amusing but have you ever thought of that some parts don't make sense. We shall now evaluate the blunders that we have overlooked.

Jack and Jill
Went up the hill
To fetch a pail of water

Why would they go up a hill to fetch water? A hill is a high body of land and water would not be found there. Water is best found on lower ground where it flows from higher source underground. If you are imagining of wells, it never mentioned of one. Anyway, wells function best and are easily built on low ground. It takes knowledge on geography to know that this scenario is far-fetched.

Jack fell down
And broke his crown
And Jill came tumbling after

He either broke the top part of his head or visible part of teeth. How morbid is this one and you teach them to children? If you use crown as headdress of royalty, for it to be child-friendly, it would signify that Jack is a royalty. But why would he be the one fetching water in the first place if he was royalty, he has subordinates to do it. Also, how stupid of Jill to go after him by tumbling herself, is she insane?

Am I just bringing up problems when there were none in the first place? Yes, because I have nothing to do with my life. All this is done just for fun so don't try to insult me for having ruined your childhood. Moreover, my assessment does make sense if you think of it logically. Peace to all!

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