
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Spicy is Touch

I don't know if some great mind has already thought of and written: spicy is Touch.

I asked this topic to my teachers, out of curiosity. If my memory is right, i remember that they said spicy is a combination of all four tastes (sweet, salty, sour, bitter). None of them said anything different from that of the majority.

Experience is the best teacher. I have formulated my theory based on my experience with spicy foods.

Has chili ever placed on your skin, eyes, nose, ears? If yes to any of those, then you know that chili "feels spicy" instead of "tastes spicy" (or sees spicy, smells spicy, hears spicy) since taste buds are only found in the oral cavity. Furthermore, touch receptors are found all throughout the body even in the oral cavity that's why we can tell that something you're eating is cold, hot, grainy, smooth, rough, etc.

For you to fully understand my concept try this simple activity I made.


Activity 1
Spicy is Touch


chili pepper (crushed)


1. Place a pinch of sugar on any part of tongue. Now place another pinch of sugar on back of hand. Record observations.
2. Repeat step 1 replacing sugar with salt, vinegar, coffee, and crushed chili pepper.

Data: (Encircle observed result)

------------------Taste anything------------Feel anything--------





chili pepper-----------Yes/No--------------------Yes/No----------


I didn't include conclusion for it might look like a real laboratory activity. :)

My only advice for those who will attempt to do this, don't place too much chili on either tongue or hand. Good luck!

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