
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Breaking In (Part 1)

Have you ever tried breaking in in your own home? Well I did, not only once but twice.

The first one happened about a year ago. It was night time and I decided to go to my neighbor next door. I always lock the main door when I leave. I was already outside then I suddenly remembered that I left the keys in my room, I realized that I was locked outside my home. 

Burdened by it, I thought of ways on how to unlock the door. I went to my neighbor and borrowed a ruler. I tried to use the ruler but it didn't work. I went back, returned the ruler, and borrowed a knife. Same thing happened so i returned it. I was already desperate when an idea came into my mind: why not pass through the window? I came back to my neighbor and borrowed for a claw hammer. I used the claw in loosening the window frame near my room. While doing this I heard my neighbors passing by, so I hid by the dark. I felt like I was a burglar trying to rob his own house. When they left I continued what I was doing. All this work made noises and in turn made more of my neighbors come out. I hid again and as soon as they left I did what I'm supposed to do. After almost an hour I managed to make a small opening on the window and made my way in. While inside I wasted no time, I grabbed the keys and went back to the window to fix it the way it was.

Did you know that I never...

asked for anyone's help
told my neighbor what I used his tool for
told anybody about the incident


I know I can do it all by myself (and yes I did!)
I don't want my neighbor to reprimand, worse ridicule me (of my stupidity)
I am very secretive

*Breaking In (Part 2) now posted. Click here.

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