
Friday, July 27, 2012


Disclaimer: Title and some parts of the topic are not intended to malign. Reader discretion is advised. 

I think it's about time to thank the Russians for paying my blog their visits. Russia has been my 3rd most massive number of readers. Just send me one of your Kirov airships and I'd be happy to drive that on town. Not to mention testing its bombing ability. But seriously, I am dedicating this post to you fellow comrades.

See, you're still on my list

I was really thinking for days on what to post related to Russia. I don't know much of this country and I'm afraid that any wrong information wrote might offend them. Although the main post is too far-off still I have something proud to offer. It's also quite ammusing. So shall I start now? Here goes *deep breath...

For months now a cartoon character of the 60's aired during the 90's was bothering me. It's a green dog, I think, that is also the sidekick of a villain. I can't figure out the name of this dog but I do remember that he has an intriguing grumble. Sounds like "Sakafadgingfadging", based on my childhood comprehension and memory. I finally recalled another cartoon character associated with it. I searched for it, scanned, skimmed, deliberated and then I came up with Muttley.

Having read his information, I looked for his signature grumble. It was "Sassafrassarassum" not... so I searched for videos of him hoping to hear that odd moaning. I only found his high pitched snicker which was also good. Listening to it made me laugh for no reason.


I went back searching with keywords "Muttley grumble" stead. At last I found one existing video of his "Sassafrassarassum". I listened to it and yes it gave me a flashback of my childhood.

try reading this and watching the video together

So where's the Russian part you're asking. It is found on the comments of the video as one of the top comments. I read it but it made no sense. I thought for minutes then I replayed the video. I reread it and there I got the gist of the joke. It is heard that Muttley said them, that is according to the one who commented. He sure has good hearing and humor. It is funny when you read the comment and play the video simultaneously.

Did you like it or where you insulted? Let me know and I'll take course of my actions. I don't want to be assassinated by Salt. You could also give suggestions on what to write about next.

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