
Thursday, July 19, 2012

I Cursed a Bitch and I Liked it

You know how annoying it is for someone to talk about you especially when you just entered a room. It pisses you to the bone that you can't help but stare badly at them.

Hours ago this incident happened. Upon entering the transport, I sat by myself. People were unfamiliar to me. Two bitches sitting from afar started a conversation. From my distance I can perfectly hear them. They were chatting about a topic, something that their teacher told them. 

Paranoid or not, I can tell that they were talking about me. Why else would they start a conversation having to do about me. I got infuriated and thought of them malevolently. After seconds of blabbering, they changed the topic but I never stopped thinking evil. For a long period of evil scheming I didn't realize that one bitch left, leaving the other bitch all alone. 

I was about to disembark when I thought of composing a curse for her. I intend to utter it at her earshot once I leave. When time came, I did with words: "Good Luck with your future". And I continued as I slowly went down, "You'll need it".

My curse wasn't really a curse by nature. Rather a sarcastic phrase for her to ponder about. Many say that curses are words of deep emotion uttered deliberately to harm an individual. In that case, it was a curse!

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