
Friday, March 20, 2015

The Real "Hardworker"

My short story series "The Hardworker" is based on based on (my) real life minus the sex scenes. If you're wondering how does the shrimp look like, here he is!

I'm sorry if it isn't that clear. I had to video him stead of taking a photo. I was easier to take a video of him secretly than taking photos. I had to put my phone in my bag's pocket and aim at him. I intentionally had to make GIF so as not to waste the video footage. Also, the one second delay in every frame is done to see him more.

You can quite tell that he doesn't look that charming. But underneath the red shirt is a hot body. The muscles on his arms and back can confirm his hot body. Well I should thank his job, it have him the toned body he has now. 

I don't know why he had to cover his body. He was shirtless while transporting cargo... so why hide it after? If I was him I wouldn't shy away my hot body. 

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