
Tuesday, March 31, 2015

When Will I See Him?

I really wanted to post this last December but I thought that it would just make me look silly. But now I think it's about time to do it. Because new events have accumulated for this story to be finally told.

There's this hot delivery guy from a chicken restaurant chain, Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC). When I saw him I was starstruck. I don't know why I am attracted to him but he sure looks cute when he smiles. As usual I made the serious face look so I wouldn't be noticed that I was looking at him. Yes, when you look serious no one would look at you in the eye. He isn't that tall, he is about an inch taller than me. But I'm  sure that his shoe makes him look a bit taller. I couldn't tell his built. He has this birthmark about an inch in diameter to the left of his nose. Maybe it's his birthmark that made me like him?

A week after I saw him again at a bank. He must have been doing some bank jobs for KFC. I was there to pay my bills. The bank would let us fall in a squarish zigzag line and wait for us to be called. We were five people apart but I was behind him. As the line moved, I took advantage of this and surveyed him from top to bottom. He looked a bit uneasy. Suddenly he looked behind. I acted cool. I guess he was looking for someone. When it was his turn I spied at him one last time. Then in a change of events, he was withheld from transaction. I don't know what the issue was but I finishing first before him. I thought to myself, when can I see him again?

My attraction to him was very strong that I met him again minutes after. I was on the way to somewhere I can't remember. I was crossing the street when he was driving the KFC motorcycle delivery. I guess he was done with the banking and on his way back to KFC. Actually it was him who saw me first. From my peripheral view I could see that he was looking at me as if he saw me somewhere. Well obviously at the bank! I was foolish to think that he was looking at me for some other reason.

A week later we met on the same street he was looking at me. I acted serious and spied on him. He was wearing his school uniform, well he must be on his way to school. On that day I was able to see that he was quite shorter than me. I wasn't sure if he looked shorter because he was walking down the sidewalk while I was on the sidewalk. We crossed ways. I felt a bit giddy and controlled myself.

Days later I saw him again. I was on my way to downtown. Outside the street nearby our home I saw a familiar motorcycle driving by. I was sure that it was him. Weeks after I saw him again. I was commuting to town when he was driving the motorcycle delivery. I was thinking what if I call KFC for a delivery?

For some reason I went to KFC. I found out that he wasn't working there anymore. Bummer! When I was planning for a delivery he had to quit his job. I was disheartened. Will I ever see him again?

A month passed when I saw him in a shop. I was going in while he was going out. From my peripheral view he was observing me. I felt butterflies in stomach. I walked on pretending he wasn't a familiar face. I don't believe in destiny or fate, but I don't know about this one...

Earlier I met him. He was wearing a black sweater. And I was able to confirm that he was shorter than me. The only thing that ruined the moment: he was with a girl. Aww poor me. Maybe it just wan't meant to be?

I still believe that I will see him soon. And when that time comes I will make sure to capture him, in a photo. :)

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