
Thursday, October 9, 2014

Rainy Days and Tanktops

I've mentioned years ago that I like guys wearing tanktops. Seriously who wouldn't? Even if I didn't tell you about it, you would know with my Short Fantasies. I have even made a compilation on MyVidster, check it out! But have you ever wondered why?

It all started in my first year in high school. One rainy afternoon, classes were about to begin. We were doing whatever it was I couldn't remember what. It was raining very hard that we could barely hear each others voices.

A group of computer geeks, composed of some of my classmates, two sophomores, and a junior, just arrived from somewhere. My guess they came from an internet café after playing some computer game. They were soaking wet, they must've ran their way to school while it was raining. They were hanging outside our room by the door. The junior was my crush, he was by far the most handsome in our school. He seem to fit the tall, dark, and handsome guy though his skin is pale.

I looked to where he was. I was so lucky that day, he didn't know that I was looking at him. Plus he opened his button-down uniform to fan his white tanktop. He did that to dry himself up. He caught my eyes with his gestures. Although he was quite skinny but for me he was so sexy.

I made the animated GIF above because I couldn't find a movie depicting the scene mentioned earlier. Yes, this is my first GIF made by paint.
That's why every time it rains I always remember the day he opened up his shirt. I have always loved rainy days even before that incident. He just gave me more reasons to love the rain!

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