
Friday, October 17, 2014

Plants vs Zombies 2 Big Wave Beach

It's been two days now since the new update of Plants vs Zombies 2 (for Apple users). They opened a new world "Big Wave Beach".

They even had it on preview with the Piñata Party for over a week. This world is so unpredictable as the tide may help or hinder in your success. But there is a marker (blue arrow sign) that lets you know the farthest area the waves might hit on your lawn. When the waves hit your lawn your existing plants will disappear and you won't be able to plant new ones (temporarily that is).

They released the update spite of other levels still under construction, playable only up to level 16. I do like it since you can see the progress of the game. I only wish that they make 25 playable levels unlike the Dark Ages World with only 20. It makes me think that the Dark Ages lacked ideas and inspiration hence the shortage of five levels.
Like what I expected (even before I knew it was a beach themed world) they brought the aquatic plants from Plants vs Zombies such as the Lily Pad and Tangle Kelp. The roles of the said plants are the same as in the first game. But if you haven't played the first game then you wouldn't know... Acting as an accessory plant, the Lily Pad lets you plant non-aquatic plants on top of them, even a Potato Mine! The Tangle Kelp pulls down 1 nearby zombie into a watery death. Both plants are worth 25 sun but the latter recharges slow.

They also revived the infamous zombie muncher, Chomper (though not for free). They added a new plant the Bowling Bulb. But before I knew it's name I called it Momol which I prefer to use. The bulbs are of different sizes and damages (bigger bulbs give heavier damage). Just like a bowling ball, the bulbs are rolled towards the zombies which can hit multiple targets as it bounces to the left or right much like a ricochet. The only downside of this plant is that it costs 200 sun.

Another new plant is the Ghost Pepper. I don't know if offered for limited time only, as Halloween is upcoming, but this plant isn't for free. You'll need to spend a 109 gems which is fair enough for me (I have collected almost 200 gems). This plant can "haunt" 1 zombie two tiles in front or behind them. After it has killed a zombie, it explodes much like a Cherry Bomb (3x3 tiles). It's fairly cheap costing only 75 sun.

This world isn't easy to play; the first levels start with some bucketheads. As you progress the levels get harder with zombies that are very annoying such as the Imp Mermaid, Snorkel, and Surfer Zombie.

And the most annoying or should I say the hardest to kill is the Deep Sea Gargantuar! Though will only appear in mid levels.

If you're asking for bugs on this world, as of now I haven't found any.

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