
Friday, July 25, 2014

Blame it on Rod (NSFW-ish)

It's been two weeks now since I've cum. I'm trying to hold it in because I want to have nocturnal emission. I've been diligently following my Nocturnal Emission tutorial for almost two weeks now. I couldn't sleep properly, it's as if something's bothering me (obviously I wanted to cum). I've been torturing myself because I know it will yield results.

Aside from that, my motivation is to break my record of not cumming: one month. I did that once upon a long time ago because I was silly. I wanted to believe in destiny; that I will find the "one" if I will abstain for a year. Making myself promise for that long was too much to ask. So what made me break my promise? I was steadfast with my devotion but my hunky classmate Rod made me do it. Yes, I blame it on Rod.

Our Catholic school mandatorily schedules a spiritual recollection before we proceed to college. For one whole school day, we participate in all those random things our "formators" instruct us to do. Good thing it lasted for only eight hours, not counting the breaks. If you ask me it was unnecessary and I prefer being in school attending classes.

Let's cut to the chase. After lunch break we were given permission to walk around the serene environment of the "recollection" place. But we were told not to go far beyond the borders of the place as it was very wide. I wanted to stay inside and refresh myself. But my friends insisted me to come with them. So I half-heartedly joined them under the sun. It was so hot! Good thing my friend brought an umbrella to share with. We were hiking up a hill, some of my classmates were going down already. They had explored the area earlier and were tired. There was a cottage nearby, my hunky classmate Rod and his friend were soaking wet with sweat. They called out to bask under. While we were approaching, Rod and his friend took off their shirts and used them as fans. What were they trying to do, kill me with heart attack?!

I averted my gaze and pointed at some random tree. I didn't want to get hard, we were all wearing jogging pants. A bulge would clearly be seen by all. I cautiously took a little peak of his body, making sure he wasn't looking. He didn't have abs but his shoulders were broad an chest was big. They were bigger than his friend's. I think they were the biggest among our batch. He wasn't a varsity but he had that hot body, in fact he is known in our school as a chess wizard.

A silly classmate was bringing with him a camera, he took pictures of them and jokingly said that he'd post them in Facebook. If he did that then I'd be one of the first to grab them! He didn't post any of the pictures but he made me wonder: why would he take their pictures? Hmm he smells fishy, it takes one to know one lol.

Arriving home from the activity, I couldn't erase Rod's bare-chested image in my head. I couldn't even sleep. I did what I had to do to: release the tension within me. Too bad my one month "no-cum" streak was broken and I haven't found the "one" in my life, up to now.

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